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Employment Lawyers in Miami

by John Hensley
Employment Lawyers in Miami

Employment lawyers in Miami help employees who have been discriminated against or treated unjustly by their employers. They can also advise employers about best practices to avoid costly litigation.

Florida’s employment laws are complex and can be confusing for many people. That’s why it is important to find an experienced employment attorney who can help you navigate your case.

Employment Contracts

Employment contracts in Miami are a critical part of the business-employee relationship. They are designed to protect both parties in the workplace and help ensure that they are working toward achieving business goals.

A seasoned employment lawyer will understand these contracts and assist you in drafting them to ensure they meet your needs. They can also provide guidance on how best to execute the terms of the agreement and negotiate on your behalf if you have questions or concerns.

Whether you are a company that employs employees or a new employer who wants to hire a staff, an employment contract attorney is necessary to help make sure that your interests are protected in the workplace. This includes avoiding wrongful termination, discrimination, or other illegal actions by the employer.


If you feel that you have been discriminated against at work, it may be time to speak with a Miami employment lawyer. Whether you have been discriminated against due to race, age, gender, disability or some other reason, you are entitled to pursue compensation.

Florida and federal laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender or a disability. These laws also require employers to make reasonable accommodations for job applicants or employees with disabilities, unless it would be impossible for them to perform the essential functions of their jobs without the accommodation.

The Fort Lauderdale EEOC attorneys at the Mavrick Law Firm have substantial experience representing employers in proceedings before the EEOC and the Florida Commission on Human Relations, and also before local agencies that enforce anti-discrimination laws and ordinances. In many cases, our employment attorneys have successfully defended employers by submitting a detailed explanation to the agency showing why there is no merit to the claim of discrimination or retaliation.

Workplace Harassment

Employment lawyers in Miami specialize in discrimination, wrongful termination and retaliation claims. In addition, these attorneys can also help you with employment contracts, family leave act claims, wage and hour issues, whistleblower claims and more.

Often, harassment and discrimination in the workplace involves repeated and egregious conduct that is extremely difficult to ignore. Moreover, the harasser is often a supervisor or a co-worker in a position of power.

Harassment that is severe, pervasive, and creates a hostile work environment is illegal under Federal and Florida law. This type of unlawful behavior can include sexist comments, sexual advances and other unwanted sexual attention from a fellow employee, a manager or supervisor.

Wrongful Termination

If you have been fired for any reason, whether you think it was fair or not, it is important to contact a Miami employment lawyer. They will help you understand your legal rights and options under state and federal law as well as any remedies that you may be eligible for.

Many employment laws protect employees against discrimination and retaliation based on their race, religion, age, gender, nationality, disability or sexual orientation. Employees who have been fired based on these factors are likely to be entitled to compensation and reinstatement.

However, this is not always the case. The termination may have been for no reason at all, a breach of an employment contract, or a violation of state or federal law.

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