Home » Seven Ways Law Students Can Pay for their Degree

Seven Ways Law Students Can Pay for their Degree

by Katherine Pate
Seven Ways Law Students Can Pay for their Degree

Pursuing a law degree can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to pay for a law degree, including scholarships, grants, and loans. Here’s an overview of some of the best methods for covering the cost of your legal education. 

1. Scholarships

Many universities offer several scholarships that can help you cover the cost of your tuition. Scholarships are typically merit-based or based on financial need, so research all available options to see if you qualify.

Additionally, numerous organizations offer scholarships specifically for law students that can help defray some of the costs associated with attending law school. For example, the Dennis Bonnen Scholarship is eager to provide financial relief to applicants seeking higher education.

2. Grants

Most states offer grants for college students pursuing degrees in specific fields. Be sure to check with your state’s higher education agency about any grant programs available specifically for law students or those attending a law school in your state. Additionally, many private foundations also provide grants to help offset the cost of tuition and other expenses associated with going to school. 

3. Loans

Student loans are another option for covering the cost of legal education. Federal student loans typically come with lower interest rates than private ones, so be sure to apply for federal student loan options before looking into personal loans from banks or other lenders, as these will usually require higher interest rates and more stringent repayment terms. 

Also, if these loans were not settled in the given period of time, many private student loan settlements are being offered by private banks and lenders.

4. Work-Study Programs

Many colleges and universities offer work-study programs where students can work part-time jobs on campus in exchange for money that goes directly toward their tuition costs each semester or quarter (depending on when their classes start). This is a great way to get extra cash while still focusing on your studies! 

5. Employer Reimbursement Programs

Suppose you’re already employed at a company that offers tuition reimbursement programs. In that case, this is another excellent way to pay for your legal education without taking out large amounts of student loan debt. Many employers will reimburse employees who choose to pursue a degree related to their current field or one that could benefit their future career, so make sure you inquire about such options with your employer if they’re available! 

6. Crowdfunding Platforms

Several crowdfunding platforms are specifically designed to help people raise money for educational expenses like tuition fees and books/supplies needed during their studies. Crowdfunding campaigns can be created online by setting up an account and sending out requests via email or social media asking friends and family members for donations towards your cause (and remember potential employers, too!). Just make sure you clearly communicate what these funds will go towards so donors know how much help they’re providing!  

7. Tax Benefits

Some tax benefits available could help reduce the amount you owe each year depending on where you live and how much income you make from working outside of school (if applicable). Be sure to talk with an accountant or tax professional about any potential deductions or credits available, as these could save you quite a bit in taxes next April!  


Paying for a law degree doesn’t have to be manageable; there are plenty of funding options available if you know where to look! From scholarships and grants to employer reimbursement programs and tax benefits, there are lots of ways that aspiring lawyers can cover the cost associated with obtaining their legal education without taking on excessive amounts of debt to do so—so make sure you explore all available options before making any significant financial decisions regarding your schooling! Don’t forget to apply to the Dennis Bonnen Scholarship program!

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